Thursday, June 14, 2012

Review- Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol

At the Theater- Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol - Kind of interesting that what would have been one of the best "Summer Blockbusters" of the year ends up getting released on Christmas. It's sometimes thrilling, occasionally very funny and filled with globe-trotting spectacle. Tom Cruise proves once again that he's relevant and believable as an action star.

I wouldn't quite say it's the best in the series- I'll still give the JJ Abrams-Directed 3rd film the edge in that regard. I must admit that I've always enjoyed the John Woo-helmed shoot-'em-up, 2nd installment as a guilty pleasure favorite.

This fourth entry is more of an ensemble-driven effort- Simon Pegg (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of The Dead) is bankable comic-relief, the uber-sexy, revenge-minded Paula Patton vamps it up oh-so-effectively while Jeremy Renner's new team member has a secret which plays into the film's finale. Each is given a considerable amount of depth and screen-time.

A couple of quibbles- Michael Nyqvist (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo '09) is probably the weakest villain of the series and there was one-too-many "sub-missions" for my tastes. A sequence involving a magnetic suit and a massive main-frame could have easily been cut and not missed.
There's a couple of neat cameos at the film's conclusion involving former "Missions" past to keep a look out for. I would like to know what happened to Maggie Q's character from the 3rd film, though...

Highly Recommended

8.5 outta 10

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