Thursday, June 14, 2012

Review- Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows

At the Theater- Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows - The second installment of Guy Ritchie's take on the London-based Super-Sleuth isn't quite as good as his first- it's a bit over-long, way too contrived and not nearly as fun.

I was OK with Downey in the Holmes role the first time around, though he's beginning to wear on me- I can't help but think there's someone far more natural in the role waiting in the wings. He's definitely enjoying himself and giving it his all- I guess I'll always picture Basil Rathbone whenever I hear the name "Sherlock." Jude Law continues to make a perfect Dr. Watson while Jared Harris (AMC's Mad Men) shines in his all-to-brief scenes as the evil Professor Moriarty- we're sure to see him play a villain again in another franchise. Stephen Fry pops up in a few scenes as Sherlock's brother "Mycroft"- he's merely serviceable in a shallow role. Noomi Rapace (THE Girl With The Dragon Tattoo) has only a handful of lines in what might be THE most unnecessary role of the year while Rachel McAdams is only featured in the first 15 minutes.

There's plenty of action and spectacle but I'm confident that a good 20 minutes could have been efficiently shaved off of it's run-time with little or no consequence. I must admit that it ends well... fans of the first will probably enjoy it.

7.5 outta 10

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