Saturday, November 23, 2013

Review - Amour (2012)

On DVD and BLU RAY - "Amour" - This 2012 French-language release and nominee for the Best Picture Oscar from Writer/Director Michael Haneke is an actor's showcase, with Jean-Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva portraying a cultured octogenarian couple suffering through the wages of time, love and commitment.  The film lies somewhere between very good and great, but be forewarned- this is grim, depressing and ultimately heart wrenching material that will undoubtedly strike a chord with those who have witnessed firsthand the mental and/or physical deterioration of a loved one.

"Annes" (Riva) and "Georges" (Trintignant) are an elderly couple, both retired piano teachers, living in an apartment in France with a daughter (Isabelle Huppert) living abroad.  One fateful morning, Annes suffers a debilitating stroke that shatters both their lives and tests the bond between them.  I felt the subject matter was well-written, respectfully presented and thought-provoking, though the third act could prove harrowing for many.  Emmanuelle Riva's performance as a disappearing soul will stick with me for quite some time... perhaps because of the many little details that so closely mirrored the decline of both of my Grandmothers.

Amour is deliberately paced and excellently filmed, with the vast majority of the narrative taking place within the couple's apartment.  Viewers will undoubtedly remember the fantastic, natural performances, the long, unflinching cuts, a couple of scenes involving a wayward pigeon, a jarring nightmare sequence and a startling, albeit understandable act borne of desperation and mercy. It's not for everyone, yet should be considered essential viewing for younger (high school and college aged) generations.

8.5 out of 10

Director: Michael Haneke
Cast: Jean-Louis Trintignant, Emmanuelle Riva and Isabelle Huppert
Running Time: 127 minutes
MPAA Rating: Rated PG-13 for mature thematic material including a disturbing act, and for brief language

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