Friday, June 15, 2012

Review- The House of The Devil

On DVD/BluRay - The House of The Devil - A contrived plot device in the form of some very lofty hopes that our protagonist babysitter (Jocelin Donahue) will order a pizza (when you think about it for more than 2 seconds you'll realize how unnecessary it really was- it nagged at me), some of the most inept minions of Satan ever committed to celluloid and a ridiculously illogical last second decision by that aforementioned babysitter all help to ruin this low-budget Horror/Thriller.

Much like Director Ti West's most recent offering, The Innkeepers (2011), it takes it's time to build and is effectively atmospheric (which I appreciated) - but completely unlike The Innkeepers, it's poorly thought out and the lead's acting talent leaves a bit to be desired. A worried girl-friend, played by Greta Gerwig, is considerably better- her "departure" is the only real jolt of the film. Tom Noonan plays Tom Noonan and there's a short cameo from Dee Wallace. I enjoyed the 80's setting and look of the film- it actually felt like a low-budget film plucked from the 1980's.

It's much better than West's first feature-length film, The Roost (2007)- but that really isn't saying much at all... it's a major league turkey in itself.

The House of The Devil is so well received and regarded across the net that it makes me worry even more about the current state of Horror films...

The House of the Devil - 5.5

The Innkeepers - 7.5
The Roost - 4.0

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